Our Objectives
ORRA is a registered company for the benefit of the residents of the Old Ratton Estate Eastbourne, specifically covering Ratton Drive, Ratton Garden, Upper Ratton Drive (to the far side of the junction with The Grove only), The Grove, Linkway, Manor Way (including Ratton Village), The Close and Walnut Tree Walk.
Its purpose is to ensure that the beautiful environment of Old Ratton is maintained and that the Residents Charter is observed by the residents. ORRA manages the Roads, Trees, Verges and Drainage etc, and ensures that the estate is kept in prime condition. It also monitors developments to properties on the estate, making sure they are sympathetic to the surroundings and any neighbours.
ORRA is managed by a committee of volunteers which includes a Chairman and Treasurer.
This is a public site and all sections are open to public view except the password protected Committee pages that contain documents only available to officers and members of the ORRA Committee.
General email enquiries should be addressed to:
Enquiries specific to planning should be addressed to:
Visitors since 21 Dec 2024