Roads and Leaf Clearance

30 November 2023: Road Closure

24th October 2023: The Catch Pit

Will all residents please note that the catch pit will be emptied at 8am on Tuesday 24th October, so please be aware of the traffic implications.



19th October 2023: Leaf Clearance

Please note that County Clean will be coming to Ratton on the afternoon of Thursday 19th October. Could residents please be aware that it would be really helpful to avoid parking on the road during this time in order to facilitate this operation.

May 2023: Roadworks

Snow and Ice

In December the Old Ratton Estate experienced winter conditions the like of which have not been seen in many years.  The combination of snowfall and extremely low temperatures for a number of days resulted in icy conditions that meant the snow did not melt away as quickly as we may have wished.


Thank you to those residents who made contact with Lacon to enquire what plans might realistically be considered for the future. 


The Department for Transport has produced the “Snow Code” which sets out a number of measures that we can all take to improve conditions after snow fall. We all need to consider our own safety when faced with icy conditions and do everything we can to be careful both when walking or driving.


We know that Local authorities have a legal requirement to take “all reasonably practical steps’” to keep major roads free of snow and ice and the onus is on the motorist to drive in a manner to suit the conditions. We are also aware that even the local authorities do not have the resources to grit every road, pavement or footpath and they have no responsibility for private estates.


All of this raises the question of what is practical and reasonable to consider for the Old Ratton Estate in the future.  We are interested to hear from residents what they think would help them to cope when presented with future snow fall and icy paths and roads.


Historically we know that there used to be grit made available in bins located on the Estate although the practicalities of residents using the grit provided to clear their pathways is sometimes fraught with difficulties.


Some years ago individual bags of salt were offered to every home on the estate and this could be repeated but these would be inadequate to counter most snowfalls effectively.  We are also aware that to book slots with local gritting contractors for use on the Estate at a time of extremely high demand doesn’t always result in them being available at the time they are most needed.


It is proposed that this issue is raised and considered at the AGM in May. Meanwhile if you have any thoughts or ideas you wish to be considered by the Committee please send your suggestions to Liz Bedwell at or call her on 01424 219848.

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Old Ratton Residents' Association