Full Fibre Broadband updates

11th February 2025: Site Visit report now available


The report on the site visit 28/1/2025 is now available here:
Full fibre site visit report 28 Jan 2025[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [308.5 KB]
A copy has been emailed to all residents for whom we have a valid email address. Please share the report with any residents who may not have access to email or the website. 
Please email questions and feedback to:


31th January 2025: Openreach Site Visit


On 28th January 2025 members of the committee met with the Openreach Project Manager for a site visit. We discussed in detail where blockages had been located in the existing ducting, and what options were available to clear them.


In general there are three options: dig down to the site of a blockage to clear it, dig around a blockage to bypass it, or use overhead cabling to bypass it. There have been significant issues identified on Walnut Tree Walk, The Close, Manor Way, Ratton Drive, and Linkway. Options were discussed for each of these areas, and each may have a different preferred solution.


Where overhead cabling is the preferred solution, it may be necessary to install additional telegraph poles in the verge. Affected residents will be fully consulted before any works are agreed with Openreach.


A report summarising these findings is being prepared, and once it is ready, residents will be asked for feedback regarding the various options.


29th January 2025: Minutes of  ORRA EGM 2024 now available


Full Fibre Broadband was an important topic of discussion at the EGM on the 12th Dec 2024. The minutes can be found here.



27th January 2025: Openreach reinstatement policies


Discussions with Openreach are ongoing. They have provided a statement with regard to reinstatement policies:


"Openreach adheres to the NRWSA governance when working in the highways"


The full specification can be found here:



If you have any questions or comments with regard to reinstatement policies please contact me by email at john.cuzick@orra.online         


6th December 2024: Update from John Cuzick (posted on Facebook):


Hello everyone. I am the recently co-opted committee member responsible for investigating fast fibre to the estate. I would like to provide an update on the progress of the project:    


I have spoken to a number of residents who might be impacted by proposed dig works by Openreach on Walnut Tree Walk. While there were various concerns raised, all were in favour of the project proceeding. Further consultation with affected residents will be ongoing.   


I have also made contact with the project manager for Openreach. The current phase of works in the Hampden Park ward has concluded and the ORRA estate was not included in those works. However, Openreach are committed to providing full Ultrafast fibre coverage and there will be opportunities to revisit the estate in the future. I continue to press Openreach regarding the timeline of these works and I will update residents when I know more.    


I would like to reassure residents that existing connections will remain in place until the upgrade can occur. We are not in danger of being disconnected from this essential service.              


This matter is on the agenda for those who are able to attend the EGM. Please pass on this update to any interested residents who are not on Facebook.


If there are any further questions please contact me by email at john.cuzick@orra.online         


8th May 2024: Update from Leeland Pavey

29th September 2023: Leeland Pavey takes over as chair of the working party


The ORRA Committee would like to thank Phil Tong for his time and commitment in heading up the Fast Fibre Working Party for the last year. We wish him well with his theatre projects. ( Phil will still continue in his role as Webmaster for the website and Facebook Group ).


The committee has approved a new chair for the FFWP - this will be Leeland Pavey of Ratton Drive. Leeland was part of the group from the start. He is ideally placed to help ORRA being the Chief Executive Officer of Optimity a company which provides IT and connectivity solutions to the business community. He has 30 years experience of the telecoms sector and is well regarded internationally as an expert in this field.


The other members of the Working Party are John Cuzick and Gary Robinson, also of Ratton Drive, both of whom will continue with the project. The Committee wishes to thank all three for their continuing help and advice.

6th September 2023: Meeting with Openreach and Morrison


On Wednesday September 6th a meeting took place with the OpenReach project manager and his team for fibre broadband in this area, together with a representative of Morrison Telecom Services, the contractors who have been tasked with the installation of fibre broadband in Old Ratton. All of this will be of no cost whatsoever to residents. The Working Party eventually settled on OpenReach because, with an existing network, their installation would create the least disruption to the estate. The process of bringing fast fibre to Old Ratton involves two distinct phases - the first of which is the provision of the main cables or “arteries”of the system - which is explained below. The second is that of connection to individual homes. More information will follow about this.


  • The key contractor in the installation will be Morrison; should residents experience any problems with the contract teams they should make contact immediately using the email address chairman@orra.online 
  • Whilst there is no fixed period by which these works will be completed, they are likely to begin within the next few weeks.
  • The initial entry points into the estate will be from the main road (A 2270) via Ratton Drive and Walnut Tree Walk.
  • The installation will take place in a staged process, so that the contractors will be operating at various places around the Ratton Estate during any working period.
  • Comprehensive surveys have already been completed and some minor initial work undertaken. This has indicated that there may be a number of blockages to ducts which may have to be dealt with by some limited excavations. Due to the nature of the work this cannot be fully identified until each section is attempted. (Where it is possible to use telegraph poles this will negate the need for underground ducts ).
  • However where it is necessary to instal new ducting, ORRA will be notified in advance so that the work required can be assessed and discussed before anything is done. If it is likely to affect any homeowner they too will be consulted. 
  • Any surface removed ( grass, tarmac. etc ) will be restored on a ‘like for like’ basis and will be under warranty for two years.  The structural integrity of the roads will be preserved
  • The welfare and health of trees has been agreed as a prime consideration in these works; Morrison and OpenReach have made it clear that they will abide by all industry agreements and government legislation in these matters.
  • It would be helpful if residents have questions about the work which might be of equal concern to other residents, that those question are emailed to webmaster@orra.online so that a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ document can be produced.
  • Updates will be published, when they become available, on the ORRA Facebook page and on the ‘Latest News’ page of the ORRA website : www.orra.online .


It is important to note that were another company to undertake the provision of such a network, they would have to dig up the whole estate in order to lay cable, as no permissions have been given for other companies to utilise the present OpenReach infrastructure.


At all times we have tried our utmost to make decisions about this that have the best interests of residents at heart. We recognise there will be a level of disruption in the implementation of this, however it should also be noted that the price of properties may well be devalued by an absence of fibre broadband in the area. The impending technological changes to the phone system in this country and the fact that, in the future,  we may all come to rely on the internet not only for communication and entertainment, but for the provision of basic services in our homes, necessitate these works being undertaken.


The ORRA Committee

25th August 2023


Further to the news passed on to residents yesterday, I have today written once again to Openreach to request a schedule of work on the estate.

I am aware of people’s concerns, but I can only reiterate once again that all the conditions requested by residents have been passed onto the company and ORRA will be diligent in ensuring these are met.

As soon as I have any further information, I will pass it on via Facebook and via the Latest News section of the ORRA website, as I have always done since this issue arose.

Phil Tong

Webmaster and Chair of the ORRA Fast Fibre Broadband Working Party

24th August 2023


You will be pleased to know that Openreach have today begun the installation of fibre broadband on the estate.

When the workers were questioned by the Chairman, they made it quite clear that they fully understood they were not to undertake any digging without the explicit permission of the Chairman of ORRA.

However, they did vouchsafe the information that some cables (armoured cables) were laid  underground without ducting. Where this is an issue, it is possible to use a ‘mole’ to ensure that there is no disturbance whatsoever to the surface. We will be vigilant that, where this is deemed necessary, there is no damage to tree roots - as specified in the National Joint Utilities Recommended Practice documentation.

Please be aware that all this pertains to fibre broadband being brought onto the estate. It will be for individual householders to negotiate separately for the installation of fibre broadband on their own property.

I will, of course, keep residents informed of any developments in these matters.


Phil Tong


Chair of ORRA Fibre Broadband Working Party

Previously posted on Facebook at the end of June 2023:


I'm delighted to be able to tell you that in the next week or so, Openreach are hoping to complete their survey prior to the installation of fast fibre. As soon as I know I will alert residents to the beginning of work and the extent of that work. Please be assured that ORRA still maintains its policy of not allowing intrusive interventions in Old Ratton.

Summer 2023


On page one of the Summer Newsletter, that is about to be distributed to all residents, I was asked to give an update on the present situation re the delivery of Fast Fibre. This had to be curtailed in the Newsletter because of lack of space - however I have been asked to publish the full text of that article on the website and on Facebook.

Firstly, I have to inform residents that despite Lightning Fibre being championed by some sectors of our community, the overwhelming opinion of residents who submitted views was that they did not want the disruption of intrusive digging on the estate. The Fast Fibre Working Party have tried to hold true to that point of view. And so Lightning Fibre will not be providing infrastructure on the estate. Indeed, they have written to say that they will not be.

Here is the full report : 


First of all in this saga of Fast Fibre Broadband it is important to say that ORRA still maintains its policy of the non intrusive, and non invasive delivery of fibre broadband into Old Ratton. Many of you have expressed concern at the disruption and damage caused by some fibre broadband companies around the town, and it is our intention to avoid that at all costs.

Consequently, we are delighted to be able to tell you that it is our understanding that Openreach have now completed their survey of existing cabling and ducting throughout Old Ratton and their promise is to install fibre broadband in Old Ratton though existing ducting and overhead infrastructure, over the next three months (July to the end of September). Openreach have advised us that they will provide us with a schedule of work once this becomes available which will be published by ORRA through Facebook and on the ORRA website.

Regardless of whether residents, in the end decide to opt for services provided by another company, the fibre infrastructure that will be used will be that laid down by Openreach in the next three months. Openreach have a legal imperative to lay such infrastructure, as government legislation will soon make the present copper cabling redundant. People have asked why this might be important - if they have no interest in downloading films, is there any necessity to have it. The view of ORRA’s Fast Fibre Working Party is that in little or no time good broadband services are going to become the fourth utility, as important to you all as water, gas and electricity; so many of the functions in our households will soon become internet controlled and if we do not have sufficient band-width in the service connected to our houses, we may lose control of these. Indeed some estate agents are already publishing details of broadband signal in their property sales documentation, and there are some thoughts that not having fibre broadband will eventually devalue the property price of your home.

Please keep an eye on Facebook and the Latest News section of the ORRA website for updates about the progress of this in Old Ratton.

Since 28/12/24

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Old Ratton Residents' Association